Sunday, April 09, 2006

My conundrum

I am a mid-20's male living in a large metropolitan city. I have been making mid to high $40's salary for the last three years. During that time I lived at home for almost 2 years with nothing but a $334 car payment and the usual small bills like cell phones and gym memberships. The last year or so I have been renting a place with a couple of buddies for $250/month a small portion of my monthly income. YET, I still have not saved much money. In comparison to some of my more money savy friends I feel like a dope. I do have money in my savings, I started a 403B last year, and have some money in my E*Trade brokerage account but I definitely think I should have more. I plan to buy a house in the near future but I am concerned that owning a home will cramp my style and make me a boring, frugal person . My intentions behind starting this blog is obtain some type of financial direction that will allow me to still have fun but also own a home. I figure I'll give it four months and if I don't receive the sought after advice I'll chalk it up as another stupid purchase/investment like my ebay bobblehead business or certifying to become a basketball official.


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